For school counselors who want to go to work every day feeling confident, capable, and like you know what the heck is going on.

Feeling overwhelmed?
You belong here.

We're educating and empowering school counselors to advocate for
the profession from
the inside out.

You know that what got you through grad school won't get you through building your school counseling program.

Even though it was an awesome experience, your grad program didn't prepare you for the realities of working in schools: the constant pivots, the edu-speak, or the expectations: way too many of you end up wandering through the social media wilderness of misinformation, scrambling for solutions and wondering if anyone really knows what they're talking about! 

The FULL reality sets in when you realize that most school counseling advice is TREMENDOUSLY outdated, and a lot of it is being spewed forth from strangers on the internet that mean well but don't really know what they're talking about.

Here's the TRUTH about school counseling...

That's Where the School for School Counselors Mastermind Comes In!

The awesome news is that you don't have to worry with finding all the extra info you weren't taught in school: it's right here in the S4SC Mastermind! As you work through each module, you'll begin feeling much more in control and knowledgeable, freeing your brain space from panic and overwhelm to make room for more important matters, like getting to know your staff and developing amazing relationships with students.
(And maybe even spending weekend time with your family again instead of scrolling... scrolling... scrolling...)

If you want to go to work every day feeling confident, capable, and like you know what the heck is going on, you need to check out School for School Counselors Mastermind: an all-in-one, eliminate-the-overwhelm hub of awesomeness, customized for school counselors and designed to empower, educate and inspire.

You retain consistent access to all your content so you can listen, watch or work through the info you need at your convenience for as long as your membership remains active.

You'll also be a part of all the awesome "extras" going on in the Mastermind, and trust us- our extras are EXTRA! (We absolutely LOVE to surprise and delight our members!

Weekly, LIVE professional consultation & collaboration on Tuesdays, 8 pm EST
(This is REAL consultation, not just venting sessions...)

Quick reference pdfs: keep at your desk for reference as you fly through your day!

Access to our entire reference library of videos & printables (including NEW modules added all the time!) 

Mastermind members receive:

Topics include:
     Restorative justice
     Behavior de-escalation
     Data-driven school counseling
     Trauma-informed campuses
     And much more...

Monthly live masterclasses based on actionable, relevant, and timely topics to help you be your best

Our exclusive "School Counselor Playbooks" that eliminate the need for "print & pray" counseling activities

Monthly Data Discussions workshops to talk about how to capture school counseling data, what to do with it once you have it, and how to stick with it!

Personalized Support

Invaluable Content

Unparalleled Community

A Comprehensive System for Your Success!

Easy-Access References

An exclusive Facebook group to discuss key issues, ask for help & build your expertise. This is the community you've always needed.
Join an amazing group of people that "get it".

Concise workshops carefully designed to be thorough and invaluable, yet short and to-the-point to avoid wasting any of your limited time.
Learn all the things your grad program forgot.

Weekly, live consultation & support chats to interact, ask questions, gain clarification, and provide feedback on what you're wondering about now.
Never worry about scrambling for answers.

Printable pdf references to refer to on-the-fly as you power through your day. If the info isn't ingrained in your brain just yet, we have a reference sheet for that!
Feel confident and competent. Every day.

So many school counselors wish for a trusted cohort of confidantes who can advise, guide and encourage their efforts.

Sadly, communities like that are hard to find, and seeking out local mentors sometimes feels unsafe.

What if they think my questions are stupid?

What if they tell my principal?

The School for School Counselors Mastermind provides a safe, constructive and DYNAMIC community to fill those gaps with encouragement and wisdom.

The most successful school counselors don't do it alone: they have an inner circle of folks that just "get it," cheering them on!

S4SC Mastermind

Kay, Mastermind member

"I know I have a brain that somehow got me through grad school and 3 licenses but it wasn’t until S4SC that my Admin could see the depth of my training (that) was solidified by the program offerings at S4SC. Often THE NEXT DAY after a call or training, I would be in a critical conversation, and I had the background because of the just-in-time group discussion or training."

Key Content for School Counselors

-Brooke, Mastermind member

"The Mastermind program has been invaluable to me while I search for the perfect school counseling position. Not only has it been a huge resume boost and provided professional development opportunities that prepare me for work in the field, but the networking and support from other professionals has been amazing. In the face of unemployment and uncertainty this program has reignited the flame in my heart for this profession! It is truly a necessity to anyone in the field!"

A "necessity" for job-searchers


"No lie- I belong to another school counselor group, and while the resources are helpful, I keep coming back to the Mastermind where I feel like I'm a part of the conversation vs. being talked AT."

The Best School Counselor Group 


I'm a first-year counselor & intern- all at the same time! 700 students and big-time imposter syndrome happening... This is a lifesaver for me!

An Absolute Lifesaver